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I'd had the opportunity, I would have kept up my observations, fascinated I'm sure, and would have tested the conclusions I'd already drawn until I had a sharp picture of their behaviors, and with it a refined depiction of their relationship with their habitat.
Pre-agricultural societies needed extraordinarily thorough descriptions of each ani­mal and plant habitat in order to reliably find their food and prey, as well as medicinal plants and the animals they saw as allies. And to avoid a range of dangerous creatures and plants.
The following is an example of this level of awareness in a contemporary indigenous culture:
"Two Shuar men - Shakaim and Twitsa - and I hiked into the Cutucu mountains...The next afternoon, on our way back, only an hour away from their community, Shakaim raised his arm, signaling for us to stop. He and Twitsa stepped off the trail. They squatted behind a small plant, examined it, and exchanged words.
"Shakaim cupped his hands around the plant and blew gently into it. Twitsa looked up at me. 'It's sick,' he explained, pointing at the leaves.
"'It was healthy yesterday,' Shakaim added, 'when we came along this trail.' He stood up. 'We have to report this to the elders.'
"They resumed walking; I stood there gawking at that plant. I could see nothing excep­tional about it, no reason why these men would have noticed it in the first place. A couple of leaves had turned brown and fallen to the ground, but that did not seem sufficient cause for concern.
Let's see what sort of thing happens when we combine the myopia of such experts and the obliviousness of the public with 0.8 degrees Celsius of global warming above pre-in-dustrial levels. Note -1 don't like to quote textbooks at length but in this case it's worth it.
Act I: In Which the Stage for the Disaster is Properly Set
"Prior to human arrival, burning of lodgepole pine occurred randomly, resulting in a patchwork of fire scars, time-since-fire histories, and age stands of lodgepole. After approximately 1920, effective fire fighting [watch your ass, geniuses at work] changed this pattern. Fires no longer raged out of control; the random mosaic of past burns was gradually turned into large areas of even-aged stands, interrupted by areas that had been logged." (See Lee Hannah, Climate Change Biology, 2011, p. 108).
Act II: In Which a Vast Horde of Crazed Beetles Descends
"Outbreaks of mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponerosae in western North Amer­ica have resulted in the death of more than 100 million lodgepole pines (Pinus contorta). In British Columbia alone, more than 80 million trees have been lost across an area in excess of 450,000 ha [hectacres]. The beetle is killed by winter temperatures below - 35 degrees C. Successive winters without killing temperatures resulted in population growth in mountain pine beetles in the 1980s and again from 1997 onward. Warmer winters and earlier springs meant that bark beetles could complete multiple life cycles in a single growing season, resulting in population explosions...The beetle is a natural occupant of healthy forests, but its numbers are kept in check by a diversity of tree species and ages. [However,] Fire suppression and logging have resulted in large areas of even-aged, ma­ture trees susceptible to beetle attack, whereas warm winters have promoted population growth sufficient for an outbreak causing widespread devastation." (See Hannah, p. 95).
Act III: In Which This Cascades Into Killin' Critters
The pine beetle has also invaded the high elevation, long-lived Whitebark pine in Ida­ho, Montana, and Wyoming. Grizzly Bear cubs feed on the fat-laden Whitebark pine seeds in the fall and early spring, and because there are fewer such seeds, there have been fewer such cubs in Yellowstone National Park. Which in turn has affected the populations of animals upon which the bears feed. The demise of these trees is also resulting in reduced stream flows, which in turn is offing the number of trout in the streams. (See Hannah, pp. 111-113; Michelle Nujhuis, "Global Warming's Unlikely Harbingers," July 19, 2004, issue of High Country News).
Hannah's textbook doesn't say whether the geniuses who set up 100 million lodgepole pines to get mowed down by pine beetles also helped make the Whitebark pines more vulnerable to beetles.
But common sense tells you, yes.
Act IV: In Which Pine Beetles Invade the Universe
"Warming has allowed the beetle to extend its range northwards in British Columbia, breaching the Continental Divide, the last effective barrier between the beetle and eastern pine plantations...
"Eastern forests of jack Pine [stretching way the hell across Canada] may now be vul­nerable to mountain pine beetle outbreaks. If the beetle is able to establish and move through jack pine, it is likely to extend its range across Canada and into the forests of the eastern seaboard...the range may eventually extend into the great loblolly pine regions of the U.S. Southeast [stretching from eastern Virginia down through the Carolinas, into the Deep South and over into East Texas], decimating stands of large commercial and biologi­cal importance." (Hannah, pp. 109-110).
After standing together another long while,
the mare and the stallion turned to the right
at precisely, and I mean precisely, the same moment,
in graceful synchrony,
and vanished behind the ridge.
"That night, I received an education.
"Shakaim, Twitsa, and their families gathered around a fire with other members of the community. They described in detail the state of the plant on the morning when we headed up to the waterfall and the changes that had occurred during the ensuing thirty-six hours. Their accounts were followed by lengthy discussions. The circle of participants paid particularly close attention to an old lady who was highly respected for her ability to prepare healing herbs. She suggested that the plant had delivered a message: The trail was overused.
"A vote was taken. Although several people pointed out that there could have been other causes for the sickness, the decision was unanimous. If there was any possibility that people were contributing to the problem, then people had to take remedial action. A new rule was adopted for the entire community. That trail would be closed." (See John Perkins, Hoodwinked, 2009, pp. 188-189).
The arrival of agriculture and then modern civilization, however, upended such careful practices. Because humans now controlled the habitats of their domesticated animals and plants, survival was plausible without the exhaustive traditional awareness of wild habi­tats. So the old customs slowly eroded; people first became insensitive to such knowledge, and then oblivious to it. The fragmented comprehension that remained was left in the hands of over-focused specialists: herders, farmers, ranchers, forestry rangers, biologists and agri-business technicians.
It is in this sense that over time our brains went progressively bad.
With the hindsight that innumerable climate change disasters will someday offer, pissed off future generations will see that a factor in our throwing away their future was our civilized ignorance of wild habitats. They will say to themselves, those mothers' brains went bad.
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