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NEWS from the ASYLUM
(The Insanity Round-Up at the Not OK Corral!)
By Bot Fly
Northern California August 11, 2010
Last night I watched a news story about a man in a “city” called Rancho Cordova, Cali­fornia who is fghting to keep his own land. It seems a local community college district drove around for awhile and settled on this guy’s property and now they are confscating it through Eminent Domain. In addition to getting his land taken, he also gets the added bo­nus of being publicly smeared as an “irresponsible landowner” who isn’t “taking care” of his property and the property is “blighted” so on top of having his land stolen by a bunch of people with hidden agendas, he gets his reputation ruined as well.
You know. This is the same kind of insanity that makes this country not-so-great any­more? Like the deep ocean oil well that farted out oil all over the southeastern U.S. coast­line. You know, that one? The one that received a “Categorical Exclusion” under the Na­tional Environmental Policy Act issued by the Minerals Management Service in between their own deep drilling and blow jobs?
Sex, Drug Use, and Graft
You know. This stuff. Oh yea and some guy blew up two building in New York City and killed thousands of people and they never found him and no one cares anymore about this guy and oh yea, there are two wars going on that we know of anyway where people are being killed on a daily basis, and oh, the planet is dying. Just this too.
Then there is the situation with a Vietnam Veteran now by the name of Joseph Diliberti who lives in San Diego County, California. Joe has lived in this location quietly and peace-
fully for a long time. In 2004 under the guise of “fre safety” the county came in without his permission and knowledge and cleared his property. They are now trying to take his property or force him to pay $63,000 for various other things including charges for the “fre clearing”. Mr. Dilberti is a Vietnam Vet­eran. Thanks Joe for fghting for ‘our freedoms’!
In thinking about where this country is going, I have come to the conclusion that the copulation of all time between capitalism and systemic narcissism, in­cluding political narcissism (Sarah Palin as perhaps the best example), has fnally overtaken conscience and our Constitution, resulting in one giant orgasm that is now destroying pretty much all that was left of representative democracy. Add human life span into this equation, which infuences all decision making
translating into primitive-brain based self-interest (and no we do NOT give a rat’s ass about future gen­erations, let’s at the least admit this), and you might as well put your feet up somewhere and sit back be­cause this ship is going down (and please, all you New Agers who pee in your pants when any semblance of the truth breaks through because we are being “nega­tive,” sit down and shut up. The “N” in “New Age” stands for narcissism. You are a large reason why we are in this mess. Thank you for demonizing normal reactions to our very f-ed up situation which should be a healthy passionate rage. Thanks for shaming people out of feeling these very healthy and normal reactions to injustice. So sit down and shut up or go get “re-birthed” or whatever the hell you do. Just go
In my little corner of the asylum, our irrigation dis­trict, known for its tyrannical tactics, is trying to con-fscate private land for a pipeline they could relocate along existing public easements but who cares. The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled you can take private land now pretty much for any thing you can label “public beneft”. (Thank God Thomas Jef­ferson is dead because this would really kill him).
away, please. I have a country and a species to save).
Fueling this also is what I call, “narcissitech”, meaning all those little electronic devices you can buy that allow you to send photos of yourself to your friends or post photos of yourself on Buttbook (because as you do this, your butt grows) and post photos of yourself on “Look At Me” website and photos of yourself on “Look At You” website. Nearly this entire industry depends on narcissism even more so than the rest of capitalism. Because once you have a Blackberry, you become important, you see.
And why shouldn’t it be going this way? I mean, after all, the human species never did evolve out of the brain stem or primitive brain. We were never completely ‘out of the bio­logical oven,’ so the only hope we had of surviving ourselves was through cultural evolu­tion. Turn on the television and you will see how hopeless this is. There is only cultural de-evolution going on. Nearly every one of the programs on prime time television appeals to the primitive brain. Things the primitive brain loves are violence (what is the deal with the never-ending detective and police and hospital shows anyway? This is the best the
human imagination can muster? Who thinks up this crap?), sex (without violating FCC rules, ha ha), and reality television shows based on, you guessed it, the narcsissitic incli­nations of the contestants to draw attention to themselves and make money. This is it. This is what you get. So much for the artistic potential of the human species.
But the upside is you are able to watch this sad experiment called the human species wind its way to its fnal conclusion. Speaking strictly non-narcissitically (can you handle it?), our elimination from the planet will result in one big fat fne sigh from Planet Earth— what any living organism feels once its parasites are shed. So, if you look at it strictly from a science or anthropological stand point, watching a species kill itself off is an evolution­ary unique event and you were here for it! Hey, this is something! What other species has done this? No other species. Just the “most intelligent” one. .
On top of the Supreme Court allowing the arbitrary and capricious taking of private land for “public beneft”, (now entombed as a major historical even by Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelo_v._City_of_New_London). (This news was also gleefully posted by a mortgage on-line newspaper but it’s all for the “public good”, right?).
Corporations have been offcially blessed by our illustrious-in-more-ways-than-one Supreme Court in that they are now citizens, who can contribute heedlessly to political campaigns.
So while local, county, and state governments and corporations line up to take private property and buy elections (and last I checked this is the defnition of a fascist state), we have the “immigration issue” going on in Arizona whereby anyone who is not white is a criminal.
Marijuana is up for legalization in California even as they bust “the small people” for it; their only crime growing some plants for themselves.
Now you can get an online college degree in “Computer Animation” something many young people are apparently doing to support their device addictions. This should terrify us all.
Oh yeah, and then there is the other little stuff—the foreclosure rate that is not yet done topping out is at about 1.5 million properties at this point; we are looking at a nearly 10% unemployment rate; we live in a country that bails out banks instead of bailing out its far less wealthy citizens and keeping roofs over their heads, at the least. In keeping with the ever present march towards fascism, there are proposals to mount cameras on cars to track their every movement:
Uh oh. Gotta go. The guards are here to let me out of my cubicle for the day. I get to go “outside” where the ozone levels are so high, it could cause permanent lung damage but at least I am “outside” right? But even if I am outside basking in the ozone and particulate pollution, I am still in the asylum. No matter where I go, I will never get out of this place. I am a forced witness of these times—when “the most intelligent species” relentlessly pro­moted its own extinction.
Have a nice day.
‘Bot Fly lives in Northern California. She is...fed up.
Then there is the brilliant proposal by the City of Sacramento to tax people who get into accidents, but just the out-of-towners. Considering we are in an economic downturn, isn’t this just a brilliant way to attract tourists to a place that is pretty much already an armpit! Great thinking folks!