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"DOG of the MONTH"
These COLORADO BLUEBIRDS are as loyal as any dog I've ever known. Each year for more than a decade, this family shows up in my back yard, ready for a long sip and a bath. If I've been remiss in my duty and the bird bath is empty, they will sit on the limbs of nearby oaks and wait patiently for me to fill it again.
Then, one by one, they land along the circumfer­ence, sometimes as many as nine at a time, and drink their fair share. When it turns into a water fight, however, only the stoutest of heart stick it out. Some of them immerse themselves so completely and for so long that the waterlogged little guys can barely get airborne.
After a few weeks they move on..see you next fall.
"Renny Russell's Rock Me on the Water is at its heart courageous. To return to the same power of nature that took his brother thirty years previous—to be with it, to confront it, to take solace in it, and to be inspired and healed by it—is remarkable in itself. His book is, as well, a testament to the evocative rhythms of the wilds. In this complicated dance, this profoundly personal journey, Renny Russell also gives us an amazingly spirited tour of one of the truly great landscapes of the American West and a keen understanding of its power to shape a life."
Robert Redford
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