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I never thought that losing my blog virginity…my blogginity as it were, could make me so happy.
Clearly, I have no idea what I am doing or why I am here.
Please help.

Posted in Uncategorized.

5 Responses

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  1. yojimbo said

    How does this thing work?

  2. stiles said

    Yojimbo…you’re asking ME? I guess you just vent in the reply line to my latest comment and then I decide whether I want to ignore it or not!

  3. Jack said

    Are you the son on your father’s right (left of the photo) in the latest Zephyr?
    I tried to figure it out by the smirk(?) on your face, but I’m unsure I successfully made the match.

    Your ‘journey’ in Australia seems like quite a ‘test.’
    Here’s hoping you find what you seek on the other side of the ‘pond.’ Certainly, a vision quest there serve you well.

    My quick comment on the Zephyr online:
    It just doesn’t translate well straight across as a PDF. Please, find one of those extreme creative types to help you work through the makeover of the Zephyr for it’s web-based ‘afterlife.’

    I still appreciate your advertisers. Now that they’re in living color, the sketches have even more life.

    I still think you’re a bit ‘crazy,’ but you challenge us to think.
    Great Falls, MT

  4. stiles said

    Nope…I’m the other kid with the angelic face…Thanks for your comments Jack. For now at least, I think we’ll leave the format as it is…so far, the response to it has been very good. My aim is to retain the feel of the paper Z, while making changes and improvements that will reach a larger audience. Remember the ZOOM TOOL..if you want to just lean back and look at the page design, then zoom out to 75%…if you’re like me most of the time and can’t find your reading glasses, then zoom IN to read.

  5. Hi Jim,
    We chatted by e-mail last year about your plans to go all online. Great start! You really went all out with the redesign. Beautiful and thought provoking. With wit and insight, the Zephyr is the voice of reason amid the chaos of media. Always a fan.
    Allan in California

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