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Hello everyone…as you can see, the June/July issue is posted and ready for your scrutiny. PLEASE if you find typos, do NOT tell me…I’m way too burned out to worry about them at this late date. I’m asking you…begging you to take the time to examine each page. Even the ads and Backbone toons are worth a gander. Tell your friends.
Also Gary, the webmaster, is working on a second non-Adobe option. It seems to work well on PCs but Macs have resisted…we don’t know why. Finally note the Facebook link (god help me)…but you can, if you’re insane enough, join the “Friends of the Canyon Country Zephyr” group.
I welcome your comments. And I hope to update this blog much more frequently. However, if I resort to telling you what I had for breakfast, or that I have a blackberry seed stuck in my teeth, I hope you will all have the honesty to demand I see a shrink.

Posted in Uncategorized.

2 Responses

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  1. djf said

    Hey Jim, I was hoping to read about ways we can get Matrimony Springs re-opened, or at least a comment on this issue. My last two trips to Moab have been a real dissapointment. No cool clean water after a long hike… I was hoping the Zephyr was going to rally us together on the fleecing of the the very important resource?

  2. There is a Facebook group called ‘Save Matrimony Spring!!’.

    Looking forward to the non Adobe version so I can read the Zephyr on my phone. Go geeks!

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