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calling Katie Lee

In another blow against dams (wishful thinking, a la Seldom Seen Smith), the BBC reports that “Damming and diverting rivers means that much less sediment now reaches many delta areas, while extraction of gas and groundwater also lowers the land.”

Which means? “About half a billion people live in these regions” says the journal Nature Geoscience.

Think Hurricane Katrina and the picture becomes a bit more poignant. Now multiply by a few orders of magnitude and what we have here is (more) damning evidence against dams.

What the article doesn’t explain is the injury to aquatic species who find dams little more than a pain in the head, literally. Salmon and sturgeon come to mind, for starters. It’s kind of hard to migrate upstream when a plug of concrete and rebar stand in the current.

And then – there’s Glen Canyon Dam…….

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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