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pass the iPhone

In case you were wondering why Utah decided to ban text messaging while operating a motor vehicle, how’s this for a sobering factoid – “In terms of accident risk, you’re more likely to be hit by someone who’s text messaging than someone who’s drunk,” says University of Utah psychologist David Strayer.

According to NPR, “Federal legislation is pending to pressure states into prohibiting drivers from texting while driving — or risk losing a quarter of their yearly federal highway funding.”

Not everyone agrees with using legislation to accomplish social engineering (me, for instance). Instead, Insurance Companies should simply add a clause to policies that reads something like this, “Those insured pursuant to this policy who are involved in an accident while actively using an electronic communications device (phone, text message, etc) shall not be covered under the terms herein.”

That would spin a few heads [no pun intended]. Folks generally don’t appreciate having to pay Court ordered damages out of their own pockets (in the case of a car crash with serious injuries, plus punitive damages, easily in the seven figures.) Wonder how long it would take to pay off a 3 million dollar verdict?

But, alas, asking folks to accept responsibility for their own actions is currently taboo. Much better to have those bimbos we elect (think Congress, with a 28% approval rating) tell us what to do.

Father knows best……

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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