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war of the greens

As reported in the New York Times“As awareness of environmental concerns has grown, therapists say they are seeing a rise in bickering between couples and family members over the extent to which they should change their lives to save the planet.”

E-gad: The Green Meanies! First it was a fight against developers and other assorted scalawags; now the Greens are fighting amongst themselves.

As one erudite “therapist” puts it -“One still wants to live the American dream with all that means, and the other wants to give up on big materialistic consumption,” Dr. Brulle said. “Those may not be compatible.”

What? The American Dream is about “big materialistic consumption”?

This is rich. There’s gotta be some way to turn this shindig into a money making, reality TV show.

Calling Follywood!

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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  1. Mark said

    The Supreme Court ruled this week that campaign contributions by corporations can not be limited and it seems like the discussion falls along established political lines. Conservatives: government bad, unions bad, the free market is the answer and the US is a Christian nation. Liberals: corporations bad, unrestrained free market bad, get the government involved and tax it! Those that pay any attention line up in the proper camps, while everyone else is too busy or disinterested to be bothered.

    I enjoy reading the Zephyr and agree with most of what is written. At times I disagree with the “radical boneheads or bone-head radicals” but am happy they take the time to express a though-out opinion. However, I have been worried that the conversation is only between relatively like-minded people. I real appreciate Stiles openness to other opinions, but where is the dialogue in this country? Conservative talk shows are really polarized, but have not all of us separated into camps that make us comfortable with our opinions and not challenged?

    It may sound like a conspiracy theory, but is this division not beneficial to those who are in power? Divide and conquer, you know? Nothing changes or challenges the status quo when we fight among ourselves like jealous siblings.

    Political theater of Republican versus Democrat distracts from business as usual and the benefits that all of the politicians gain. Should we not be talking about why corporations would find making campaign contributions a good investment? Solving that would eliminate the need for any law regulating campaign contributions.

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