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Fountain of youth?

This in from The Financial Times“One of the biggest puzzles in biology – how and why living cells age – has been solved by an international team based at Newcastle University, in north-east England.”

Wow! So the White Lab Coat Guys know why cells age. Let’s guess – The Fountain of Youth is just around the corner, brought to us by our friends at Merk. Guess again…..

“But the scientists expect better drugs for age-related illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease, to emerge from their discovery of the biochemical pathway involved in ageing.”

What the FT did not say – “Of course, both diabetes and heart disease are largely preventable by simple lifestyle modifications. But science (and the billions of tax dollars spent supporting medical research) would rather find “better drugs” for these diseases. Which might pay-off, assuming the Baby Boomers have any money left by the time the new techno-fixes are out of the pipeline.”

No wonder folks are pissed off at the health care industry.

pass the stethoscope….

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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