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102 and a ball of fire

And now, a word from the Golden Ray of Hope Department – as reported by The Christian Science Monitor:

Garnett Beckman says she’d prefer to just be known as a little old lady who walks. For a long time, she didn’t tell people her age. It proved to be an impediment when she wanted to hike the Grand Canyon at age 75 – no one would take her.”

So Ms. Beckman went anyway, alone. And yes, she managed quite nicely, hiking solo down Bright Angel Trail and back under her own power. And then she went back.

“She was just getting started. She hiked the canyon again a few weeks later, and her son came with her. She’d make the trip more than 20 times in the following decades.”

Our hero is now a young 102 years old. Let’s hope she doesn’t take up kung fu, or we’re all in trouble!


posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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