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ORV tracks on Mars!!!??? SHOCKING PHOTO from ‘CURIOSITY’ reveals illegal jeep road

THE CRACK ZEPHYR PHOTO SURVEILLANCE AND ANALYSIS TEAM has been examining raw images from the Mars Curiosity Rover. We have discovered an image on the far side of Gale Crater that possibly suggests the first ever intrusion of off road vehicular traffic. Please look at this image:

In the distance, to the right of the center of this image, please note  a light squiggly line at the base of the mountains.

Here is a magnified image of that squiggly line. The photograph suggests the presence of a winding 4WD road as it descends into Gale Crater.  Who might have left this track? Since we are unaware of ANY roads on Mars, it is technically difficult to claim that this track is “off road.”

Then again, the two previous Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity have both created tracks on the Martian surface. The Opportunity has traveled as far as 15 kms since it landed several years ago on another part of the Red Planet..

BUT do those tracks qualify as roads? Or does there need to be some evidence that the road was actually constructed? And if wilderness is ever established on Mars, would these “roads” disqualify that specific area for wilderness designation or would they be dismissed as roads altogether?

And again, is there any evidence that over-enthusiastic jeepers have already found their way to Mars in hopes of being able to wreak havoc on a desert environment without being harassed by environmentalists?

We seek the Truth.  And we know…The Truth is out there…

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