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(cspan) ‘Wounded Knee 1973, Forty Years Later’

Augustana College | Center for Western Studies

In February 1973, Oglala Lakota Indians and members of the American Indian Movement seized and occupied the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota. For the next few months hostilities ensued, resulting in both Native American and U.S. officials’ deaths. Russell Means, an Oglala Sioux activist, was indicted on charges related to the event but was never convicted.
Next on American History TV, Mr. Means speaks about his experiences at Wounded Knee as well as the history of Native Americans in the U.S., specifically his personal struggles with the American government. Russell Means is also a film and television actor and has published an autobiography titled, Where White Men Fear to Tread. This hour and twenty minute program was hosted by the Center for Western Studies at Augustana College.






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