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(YouTube) Paper Moon (8/8) Movie CLIP – Together Again (1973) HD

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4 Responses

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  1. I appceriate you taking to time to contribute That’s very helpful.

  2. Die Bugs häufen sich leider bei Landlord (besonders mit langsamen Internet unterwegs). Liebe das Spiel trotzdem auch. Auch wenn ich Foursquare nicht mehr allzu aktiv nutze finde ich das Prinzip klasse.Könnte mir aber vorstellen das Placescore besser wird (besseres Design und weniger kleine Fehler).

  3. William R. Marshall I tried to find the answer to a puzzling question. Had no luck here.Why are there no “comment” choices on some very controversial pictures?I would love to be able to add my 2 cents worth, but I am prevented from doing so.I can either share or like, but not comment?What am I missing, or doing wrong?

  4. Ahhh its great when kids get into the whole chairty and jumble rummage thing to ;-)) There soon be bringing you goodies home to ;-)) You look gorgeous as always love the dress and i love a denim jacket to. This weather is really pants i think we have had a fair share of rain now. Love your little tin and sewing box there great. dee xx

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