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‘I Guess They’d Rather Be in Colorado?’

We recently made a trip to Denver to visit Tonya’s 95 year old grandmother. This is what the drive looked like as we got to Colorado Springs. I guess just about EVERYBODY would rather be in Colorado…

I guess he’d rather be in Colorado
He’d rather spend his time out where the sky looks like a pearl after a rain…

Once again I see him walkin Once again I hear him talking to the stars he makes
and asking them for bus fare.
I guess he’d rather be in Colorado…

He’d rather play his banjo in the morning when the moon is scarcely gone.
In the dawn the subways comin in the dawn I hear him hummin’
Some old song he wrote of love in Boulder Canyon.
I guess he’d rather be in Colorado…

I guess he’d rather be in Colorado
I guess he’d rather work out where the only thing you earn is what you spend.
In the end up in his office
In the end a quiet cough is all he has to show
He lives in New York City.

Posted in Uncategorized.

3 Responses

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  1. Tom Wylie said

    Yes, too many of us would rather be in Colorado and we keep coming like a locust swarm. I wonder if we will become extinct like the Western locust?

  2. Bruce Berryhill said

    Look at all that wasted land. There are no houses around the houses!

  3. Who can blame them? Colorado is awesome. Not that those photos don’t break my heart. No solution to this situation, unless we can trick everybody into moving to, say, Ohio instead.

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