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(From the Zephyr archives) Tilting at Windmills… by Dean Wooten

An excerpt:

“They call wind turbines green and have won the energy wars without fighting a battle. It proves the power of words. In this case, only one: Green. But what’s green about them? Lined up like imposing fences, whooshing and thumping, they are an almighty obstacle to animal movement. The quietly nodding oil pumps near Pinedale, Wyoming, are justly targeted for interfering with the migration of pronghorn and other animals, yet those oil rigs are relatively benign compared to the intimidating size, sprawl, movement, and noise of wind turbines, and why would BLM, state, and other land managers be more attentive to the placement of wind turbines than they are to oil wells?…”

To read more of Dean’s article, click the image below:


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