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(From the June/July Zephyr) The Desert Protective Council turns 60- a bird’s eye view…by Terry Weiner

An excerpt:

How does a small, scrappy desert conservation organization, unheard of by most westerners, funded mainly by membership dues and run by volunteers for most of its 60 years, continue to make its voice heard on proposals for large energy development projects and other misguided ideas for exploitation of irreplaceable natural and cultural resources for private profit on our public lands in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts.

The Desert Protective Council (DPC) continues to be the longest-lived desert conservation organization in the U.S. for a combination of reasons. First, DPC’s educational mission and goal to protect the unique features of the deserts are still extremely relevant. Also, DPC’s founders were some of the most respected biologists, educators and conservationists of the day. Perhaps too, the DPC continues to play a role in desert conservation due to the loyalty and support of its long-term members and advisory panel members and because, despite its small size, DPC has for decades consistently “shown up” and participated in important desert land use planning processes and continues to speak out, without compromise, against damaging development proposals such as the rash of current desert-wide large-scale solar and wind development proposals.

Click the image to read more of Terry’s article:


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