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(From the Z Archives) A Trip to the Edge of the Earth …by Bill Boyle

An excerpt:

A visit to the Sinai in the 1980s was nothing short of an adventure.  Our small groups would cross the border at Taba into the no-mans land of the Sinai.  At the time, the Sinai was administered by the United Nations and was classified as a demilitarized zone.  What a strange title for a place full of the refuse of war.  The burned-out shells of destroyed tanks, carefully marked mine fields, and debris of death and destruction were at every turn, all the legacy of epic battles between the Israelis and the Egyptians in 1948, 1967 and 1973.

One group of students saw the barrel of a rifle sticking out of the sand.  They were horrified when they pulled the barrel out of the sand and discovered two dismembered arms still attached to the stock of the rifle.

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