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(From the August/September Zephyr) HUMMINGBIRDS in WAR & PEACE…by Jim Stiles

An excerpt:

It’s late July and the Rufous Hummers are back. Feisty little devils, they are. Ready to pick a fight, just to have something to do. I sit on my porch swing in the early evening and watch the aerobatics, the war for the skies. It’s like standing on a burnt out London street, seeing the RAF take on the Luftwaffe. In this case, however, I can’t tell who’s on which side…it appears to be a free-for-all.

They’ve been bombarding me with their yearly visits for more than 25 years. I’m looking at genealogy here…a family history, as successive generations of hummingbirds make their way from Central America, to southeast Utah, to San Juan County, to my humble little cabin and the bright red feeders that make the visit worthwhile. I don’t think they come here for my sparkling personality and rapier wit.

To read more of Jim’s article, and see more photos of the hummingbirds, click the image below:


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