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(From the April/May Zephyr) MY PERSONAL HISTORY, Part 6: My Life as a Sheep Herder (continued)… by Verona Stocks


For five years I lived and thought one way; now almost over night all that was changed. My husband had died, my baby was one year old, my daughter was four, and my partner in the sheep business was  56 and very sick; Mary Duncan, Dad’s sister.

My uncles took care of the shearing and the lambing. Dad was sick and Aunt Mame was operated on for breast cancer. I helped Dad and the kids daytimes and while Aunt Mame was in the hospital, I sat up with her nights. As soon as I was not needed at the ranch, I took my two children back to the sheep camp. Uncle Otho was having a bad time with muscular rheumatism. He could not herd the sheep but he could tend the kids. As soon as school was out, Dad brought Felicia to the sheep camp to take care of Vee and Bob for me. It was painful for Otho to move so he went home.


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