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(Durango Herald) Fort Lewis College students vandalize Native American ruins in Utah

EXCERPT: A group of Fort Lewis College students defaced ancient Native American ruins in the Comb Ridge area near Bluff, Utah, while on an outdoor retreat in October…According to FLC spokesman Mitch Davis, the incident occurred on a Fort Lewis College Outdoor Pursuits overnight “yoga in the backcountry” trip Oct. 14 to Oct. 16.

He said campus authorities were made aware of the incident on Monday when photos of the vandalism surfaced on social media.
The photos clearly show students had written in black charcoal “Fort Lewis College OP 2016” on the rock wall of the Fish Mouth Cave in the Butler Wash area that parallels the eastern flanks of Comb Ridge. The rock wall is lined with a mess of graffiti, some of it dating to the early 1900s.

“It’s a popular spot to write your name, but that doesn’t make it right,” Davis said. “Our students know better than that.”

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  1. Takyah nk gado2 la…. Pk elok2.. Walaupun ko kata sultan tu makan duit ko skalipun Aku rasa klu sultan takde , habis melayu Dan Islam kat Malaysia nie… Pendapat Aku le… “daulat tu8a2u&#n2k1;!

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