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(City Weekly) Bad Day at Red Rock

EXCERPT: In the local press and social media, there had been ongoing controversies over employee departures and city manager Rebecca Davidson’s administration, while behind-the-scenes multiple investigations into the police department over the prior 18 months had led to five officers—a third of the force—being put on paid administrative leave; three of them subsequently resigning. Davidson herself was put on administrative leave on Sept. 13 and terminated Sept. 30 “without cause,” and longtime police chief Mike Navarre abruptly resigned, Sept. 20, clearing out his office overnight.

Davidson, however, was not leaving without a fight. On Dec. 13, 2016 she sent a letter to Moab’s mayor Dave Sakrison notifying him and the city that she was suing them for close to $2 million for firing her because, she alleged, she had “raised her concerns to the Mayor and FBI about wrongful conduct by members of the City’s Police Department,” her attorney Gregory W. Stevens wrote. Conduct she complained about included, “lying while testifying in court; threats against members of the public; drinking alcohol with minors; harassment of witnesses; domestic violence; and issues concerning evidence.”

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