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“Experts” in the UK have stumbled onto an exciting new plan to help tackle global warming. In fact, the idea is so simple, it’s a wonder Davy Crockett (King of the Wild Frontier!) didn’t suggest it, before his untimely death at the Alamo.

Ready? Fake trees!

That’s right – “the devices would be able to soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 100,000 of them would remove the carbon emissions of every car, lorry and bus in Britain.”

Now, imagine the transformation of the American landscape, from barren deserts, forlorn plains, and beetle-infested hillsides, into sparkling vistas of fake trees “coated with synthetic materials that absorb CO2, which would then be removed and stored underground in depleted oil and natural gas reservoirs.”

Yucca Mountain, here we come!

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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