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Overshoot #2

In a moment of sheer lucidity, our friends at the BBC report that “As the human population grows it has reached the point, the UN says, ‘where the amount of resources needed to sustain it exceeds what is available’.”

Hand those dudes a Keen Sense of the Obvious Award!

The report illustrates that “Sixteen thousand species are threatened with extinction. Habitat loss is a major factor as many forests are cleared for agriculture. The UN estimates the global annual loss of primary forest is 50,000 km2.” What’s up with that? Are we talking toilet paper here, or the wholesale conversion of forests to soybean fields (aka: pig slop)?

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Homo erectus asphaltus is making a mess of the planet. Even forgetting global warming (if you can) for a minute, the road to a hell of our own making is being paved right before the fogged lenses of our collective cornea.

Let’s rap this up with a pithy remark from the BBC – “[A]ccording to the UN’s latest Global Environment Outlook report, long-term problems including climate change, pollution, access to clean water, and the threat of mass extinctions are being met with ‘a remarkable lack of urgency’.” A remarkable apathy is more like it.

If you can say Overshoot, you’re way ahead of the game.

Maybe that should read: Overshot.

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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