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Little Red Riding Hood

As reported earlier on this blog (Sept 3), foes of upcoming wolf hunts in the West are putting up their dukes in an effort to halt the game. Also at issue is whether the Feds delisted the Northern Rockies wolves illegally. A gaggle of wolf defenders sued Obama’s honcho (Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior) in order to make their case. As someone who litigated these kinds of cases in a prior lifetime, I can testify that suing Bureaucrats can be fun and worthwhile.

In sum, here’s where we’re at – 1. The hunt can go on as planned, as no “irreparable harm” would befall the wolf population by the gunning down of a few members. 2. The delisting looks seriously suspicious, as the Feds used an arcane and goofy rationale for removing the critter from protection. 3. A final ruling “hangs like the Sword of Damocles.”

The Christian Science Monitor put it like this: “The service has distinguished a natural population of wolves based on a political line, not the best available science. That, by definition, seems arbitrary and capricious,” [Judge] Molloy wrote in his 14-page ruling.

The Obama Administration using politics to monkey wrench a species’ chance at recovery in the wild? Is that green?

Stay tuned. I’m trying to talk the Zephyr’s high-minded Publisher into offering a cash reward for the first person to photograph Sarah Palin making a wolf kill in Idaho. So far no response out of Monsieur Stiles.

On the other hand, I always did have a thing for soccer moms.

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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