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Florida eco-freaks fight back!

Here’s a new wrinkle in the fight to control cancer, aka: urban sprawl. A couple of eco-minded lawyer dudes in sunny Florida finally grew weary of head-bashing every development on the Turnpike. So they came up with a simple and fun idea – an amendment that allows folks to vote on development before the bulldozers arrive.

The idea is taking roots, causing conniption fits to the multitude of Hard Hatters in the Land of Melanoma. It’s featured in a zippy piece in the Orlando Sentinel, which says the proposed amendment “has sent the entire development industry and business lobby into fits of befuddled panic. All their lawyers and politicians haven’t been able to shut the duo down.” Ahoy!

To get a glimpse of the amendment and its sponsors, hit this cute link and zoom away!

Lawyers, guns and money…..

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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