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the Topple Factor

Want to read something brilliantly crazy? It comes to us via NPR, so you know it’s fun. Or funny; take your pick. At any rate, the piece’s title reads: “Could Climate Change Topple Modern Civilization?”

But the story should’ve been titled: “The Green topic de jour- How to Save the Planet Right Now!” And the show’s erudite interviewee Lester Brown has the answer. Or he thinks he does. Of course, the answer is windmills sticking up like giant lawn mower blades across the lovely terrain of North Dakota, Texas, Kansas, and assorted Fruited Plains everywhere. Maybe your backyard!

Check out the interview with the famous Monsieur Brown. After you’re done being bedazzled with the knee-knocking scientific mojo regarding Planetary Salvation 101 ask yourself this question – did either of the dudes engaged in the interview mention the word conservation?

Is the plan to simply convert from one energy source to another without consideration of what that means for ecosystem integrity, habitat restoration, species viability, and human mental (some would say spiritual) well-being? Is the game to ensure that an endless supply of juice is always available? How many plasma TV’s are talking about here? Are we not going to engage in meaningful debate about human overpopulation and carrying capacity? And if not, why not?

Sometimes you just have to wonder if all this ballyhooing about the end of civilization isn’t a simple case of Homo erectus asphaltus flatulence. Maybe it’s time to take another look at what it means to be “civilized.”

Or have we past the point of self-examination?

Calling Don Quixote!

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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