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alas, the Huarango

Ever heard of the Peruvian huarango tree? Me either; until today. Turns out the huarango is one tough hombre, many of it’s individual members having outlived most civilizations. Kin to the mesquite tree, the huarango “can live over a millennium.” Or so sayeth the New York Times.

Of course, where there are huarangos, there are those pesky humanoids, the infamous Homo erectus asphaltus. And therein lies the rub.

According to the Times, “….many Peruvians view the huarango as prime wood for charcoal to cook a signature chicken dish called “pollo broaster.”

And, as most astute readers will already have guessed, the lovely huarango is in deep doo-doo: “only about 1 percent of the original huarango woodlands that once existed in the Peruvian desert remain, according to archaeologists and ecologists.”

Theoretical solutions abound, none of them leading anywhere near ecological sanity. Maybe, as part of the latest round of economic stimulus baloney, the Obama administration can send the Peruvians a few cargo planes full of Kentucky Fried Chicken! That should hold off the chainsaws for a couple of months.

Moral to story: too many monkeys bad for zoo.

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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