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Paolo Bacigalupi

Ever heard of Paolo Bacigalupi? You will. He’s the author of the newly published The Windup Girl, which is garnering five stars from Tampa to Timbuktu. So says BookPage: “The Windup Girl will almost certainly be the most important SF novel of the year.”

And Bacigalupi is no woo-woo! Here’s a fun blurb from an interview over yonder at EcoGeek: “As environmental ideas have entered the zeigeist, mostly thanks to global warming–and still mostly focused on that issue–plenty of technology companies are lining up to tell us how they’re helping green/save/clean the environment. Advertising agencies and PR firms are delighted to sell us any number of “green” gizmos and they’re throwing in some nice self-esteem blowjobs for all of us, using their persuasive talents to assure us that we’re enlightened and forward thinking because we just stuffed a green X into our Prius.

But green blowjobs aren’t really my gig.”

Keep an eye out for this guy; he’s going places.

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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