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pass the skillet

If you’ve ever wanted to visit lovely Costa Rica, now might be the time. Before it’s too late.

The New York Times reports: “Even before scientists found temperatures creeping upward over the past decade, sea turtles were threatened by beach development, drift net fishing and Costa Ricans’ penchant for eating turtle eggs, considered a delicacy here. But climate change may deal the fatal blow to an animal that has dwelled in the Pacific for 150 million years.”

Of course, efforts are underway to save the little buggers. “In places like Playa Junquillal, an hour south of here, local youths are paid $2 a night to scoop up newly laid eggs and move them to a hatchery where they are shaded and irrigated to maintain a nest temperature of 29.7 degrees Celsius (85.4), which will yield both genders.”

Wouldn’t it be easier to bulldoze ill-placed “developments” and give the Costa Rican’s coupons for Egg Beaters?

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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