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Tortoise touché

Two weeks behind the rest of the media, Fox News has suddenly taken an interest in – solar power? “On a strip of California’s Mojave Desert, two dozen rare tortoises could stand in the way of a sprawling solar-energy complex in a case that highlights mounting tensions between wilderness conservation and the nation’s quest for cleaner power.”

At least they got the most salient point – “The construction would come with a cost: Government scientists have concluded that more than 6 square miles of habitat for the federally threatened desert tortoise would be permanently lost.”

Before it’s over, the American Southwest is liable to resemble a scene out of Blade Runner. Or more likely, Road Warrior.

What would Hayduke do?

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

6 Responses

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  1. solar power would be cheaper it we could just cut down the cost of solar cells`-`

  2. solar energy will get cheaper in the future and more efficient too–~

  3. solar energy is one of the best options that we can get if we want to go green in power generation`~:

  4. solar power is great because it is a reneweable source of energy and non-polluting too,*,

  5. solar power has lots to offer that is why we should improve our technology in harnessing the energy coming from the sun ‘

  6. solar energy should be the stuff that we should harness instead of those fossil fuels~

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