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Malthus redux

No wonder the Green Emperor appears more bare-assed than usual – he’s got the Environmental News Network to assist him in removing his renewable green threads. In a recent post, ENN informed its cheery readers that perhaps Malthus was wrong; that 9 billion Homo erectus asphaltus might not be that hard to feed after all.

The Neo-Green Revolution will not be televised. But it will be blogged to death.

And now, a word from our sponsors – who gives a rat’s ass if we can feed 9 billion iPod Monkeys? Is that the ecological touch down we’ve all been holding our breath for? Let’s hope not.

With a flair for the obvious, let’s repeat the mantra one more time – ecological health ain’t about numbers and calories. It’s about carrying capacity. And that includes a delicate dance between a theater full of diverse critters, some who don’t seem interested in the foibles of the Human Soap Opera one twit.

9 billion well-fed humanoids will continue to do what humanoids have always done (and are probably genetically programed to do) – stomp the shit out of the planet. Unless, of course, a Dictator and his armed robots decide otherwise. Not a rosy picture; and totally avoidable.

The Big Question is this – Once we feed the hordes, then what?

…. free condoms!

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

2 Responses

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  1. Run the numbers, Mudd. It’s not about enough space. It’s about the wise management of the space we have. The entire population of the planet could survive in a landmass the size of Oregon. Could the people? Not by putting greed above need and me above Thee.

  2. stiles said

    Actually, running the numbers is a good idea. Assuming we’re talking about carrying capacity as a function of overall ecosystem integrity. In the long run, it ain’t about people.

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