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( ‘Study: Climate Change May Dry Up Important U.S. Reservoirs Like Lake Powell And Lake Mead’

AN EXCERPT:   As climate change makes the regions of the West, Southwest, and Great Plains warmer and drier, water demand will continue to increase, and the combined effect will place an ever greater burden on the country’s fresh water supplies — possibly completely draining important reservoirs in those areas, under some scenarios…This is consistent with other studies on the risk of future water shortages: The Department of the Interior is anticipating that by 2060 the gap between river supply and water demand in the states of the Colorado River Basin will be 3.2 million acre feet due to climate change… In the Colorado River Basin, for instance, “Lakes Powell and Mead are projected to drop to zero and only occasionally thereafter add rather small amounts of storage before emptying again.”


Lake Powell in 2005 after several years of drought.

Lake Powell in 2005 after several years of drought.

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  1. Larry said

    Climate Change my rump! California’s ignorance in policies is to blame! Stop supplying Southern California with irrigation, and let them figure out what’s truly important! Endangered smelt, or the entire southwest!

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