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(April/May 2013) Moab: Ground Zero, Grand Plans… by Doug Tree


The numbers are in. Moab is growing. Judging by the sound of circular saws and hammers echoing around town these days commercial and residential construction projects valued at over $19 million are underway. Moab will add 300 hotel rooms over the next two years, yet another condo complex, road widening and parking improvements throughout Arches and a bicycle trail along the river. Remember these headlines from last year? Coming soon; a dinosaur theme park, a sports complex and a new USU campus. And let’s not forget the thousands of acres of your public lands the BLM is leasing off to energy companies as fast as contracts can be drawn up and signed. Proposals are being passed through a rubber stamp approval process for expanded uranium and potash mining, oil wells, natural gas fracking operations, pipelines, tar sands mining, helium extraction and everyone’s favorite – the Green River nuke plant…

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