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(April/May 2013) Georgie Clark: Woman of the River…by Anne Snowden Crosman


Georgie Clark is single-minded. “The Colorado River is my life, always has been,” she says in a high, squeaky twang.

“The Grand Canyon is my home. Forty-eight years now.” Her eagle-like eyes blaze.

Year after year, May through September, Georgie runs the river, guiding her rubber raft through rapids and falls, giving thrills to city slickers and nature lovers. On a good day, the waves crest at 15 feet, and when they hit, everyone laughs, screams, and holds on tightly. The sun soon dries the soaked boatload.

“I like it because I’m naturally that way —I like to MOVE and I like to GO.” She speaks quickly, spitting out words. “I like the fact that there’s a beginning and there’s the end. And you meet different people all the time,” she exclaims. “I like people and I like to give ’em enjoyment. I like to show ’em the river. They get a kick out of it.” She pauses.

“That’s the way I like it!”

Click the image to read the rest of Anne’s article:



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