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(April/May 2013) What Did Moab Want, Plus a 1990 Interview with Tom Shellenberger, Moab Economic Development Coordinator…by Jim Stiles



The vast numbers of tourists, arriving in ever increasing numbers has split the community as well. Moab and Grand County have so far been unable to develop an infrastructure that can keep up with tourist growth. Inadequate camping facilities have turned the river corridor and the Sand Flats area into genuine health hazards. The Moab Police Department, which boasts a force of eight, can barely keep up with the problems that arise on a busy weekend when tourists double or even triple the town’s population. The Grand County Sheriff’s office has been forced to devote more and more of its time to search and rescue operations, when visitors, unfamiliar with the harsh and confusing canyon country, become lost or injured. This year the Sheriff’s office has begun charging those victims for search and rescue costs.

Click the image below to read the rest of  “What Did Moab Want” :


And click this next image to read the corresponding interview with Tom Schellenberger, Moab’s former Economic Development Coordinator:


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