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(From the Zephyr archives) Why I Stopped Reading Newspapers (Including the Zephyr)… by K Hancock

An excerpt:

“But, as you may have heard from others who have “abandoned” you, the format problem is only one of our rationalizations for NOT reading the Zephyr.  The other major one—is that even those of us at the very perimeter of the “lunatic fringe” have about concluded that the wind has gone our of the sails of the “Environmental Movement”—except those portions of it that offer a business opportunity.  Thus, the love we have for the Movement seems unlikely to fiind an inheritance.
That is not to say that our passion is gone, but it has become obvious that it serves a diminishing purpose.  In idiom from the King James Edition, we seem to increasingly be “spilling our seed on the ground.”  In other words, with the bottom line having increasingly become the Holy Grail of the 21st Century, there seems little likelihood that either Government or Big Business has ANY intention of allowing a bunch of dummies who almost always CHOOSE the option which offers NO bankable payoff to help guide “policy…”

To read more of K Hancock’s piece, click the image below:


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