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(From the Zephyr archives) Day of Seven Billion…by Kathleene Parker

An excerpt:

“If there is anything spookier than the Halloween date, it is that Big Media and big economic forces, by early summer, were already busy telling us that (1.) population growth is nothing to worry about, (2.) the real problem is a lack of babies, the absurdity—on a planet gaining 78 million people a year—of the “birth dearth”; and the absurdity (3.) that population will somehow magically stabilize mid-to-late century—sort of a demographic version of Gone With the Wind’s Scarlet O’Hara’s, “I can’t think about that right now.  I’ll worry about it tomorrow.”

It’s a good delaying tactic, especially when there are so many “more urgent” priorities.  But, many of those, such as a crumbling economy, are linked to increased competition for fixed resources, especially the critical underpinnings of every economy on the planet, energy.

And, most critical, tomorrow’s population is determined today.  We can’t get out to 2049 and decide there are too many people. By then, it will be too late for what should have been done last century…”

To read more of Kathleene’s article, click the image below:


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