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(From the Zephyr archives) On the Consistency of Bullshit: an Ever-Swirling Tale…by Scott Thompson

An excerpt:

“I think that at least 90% of what the public sees about climate change on television or reads in right-leaning books and publications is bullshit. And by that I mean bullshit proper or a derivation thereof. Those few mainstream news stories that cogently present scientific findings are too incomplete in scope to give viewers a comprehensive picture.

The print media does marginally better. There are good stories in the major daily newspapers and various online news services if you’re willing to dig, but the coverage is too fragmentary to give readers a meaningful grasp of the science. My impression is that few daily newspapers across the country are committed to providing comprehensive coverage, and I suspect that many simply do an awful job. Notable green groups publish solid information, diminished by frequent reluctance to address the disastrous effect of exponential economic growth (which couldn’t possibly have anything to do with protecting their business donors)…”

To read more of Scott’s article, click the image below:


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