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(From the Feb/March Zephyr) MOAB IS ASSIMILATED. BIKE BORG MOVES SOUTH. Is Resistance Futile in San Juan County? …by Jim Stiles

An excerpt:

It was never really about the bicycle. The contraption was merely a conveyance, a delivery system for a culture and a mind set and an industry that, even twenty years ago, was inevitable. The sport of mountain biking appeared in Moab in the mid-1980s.  Within a decade, the amenities/tourist demographic had established a death grip on my old hometown.  We had once been an eclectic mix of miners, ranchers, small-town businesses, government staffers and young hippie/back-to-the-earth types; now we found ourselves in a state of rapid transformation–of upheaval.

Suddenly it was as if those of us who had lived there no longer had a say in our own  future. Out-of-town investors with the assets and capital to exploit Moab’s new moniker as “Mountain Bike Capital of the World” laid claim to its future. Like a Borg…for lack of a better word, a Bike Borg…opposing “the hive” was not an option.

To read more of Jim’s article, click the image below:


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