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(From the Feb/March Zephyr) An Interview with Grand County Councilman Bill Hedden…by Ken Davey

This is the first in a series of “Zephyr Interviews” from the past 25 years. Each will offer a revealing look at Moab’s transformation.

An excerpt:

“Another problem that I see is that Moab is going to become a much more expensive place to live.  That scares me.  We’re appealing to much wealthier people, lots of new construction, building much more expensive homes.  We have people here now who really place a premium on education, we’re going to be building new schools, we’re going to have to upgrade our infrastructure.  Every one of those pressures is upward on the cost of living.  This used to be a hard place to get rich, but it was a real good place to be poor.  I see that changing, and I don’t like that.  That’s one of the problems that’s uppermost in all of the members of the council’s minds…”

To read more of the interview, click the image below:


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