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(From the Apr/May Zephyr) THE ZEPHYR CHRONICLES: The First 25 Years, Pt 1…by Jim Stiles

An excerpt:

“Here’s how far we’ve come.

Shortly after The Zephyr’s first issue appeared on newsstands, in mid-March 1989, I was at the old Main Street Broiler, eating one of Debbie Rappe’s wonderful cheeseburgers and overheard a spirited conversation at an adjacent table. ‘This smart ass kid thinks he can just start a newspaper and then tell us how to live! His “Zephyr” garbage won’t last three months.’ His friend nodded, ‘I hear he’s one of those environmental weirdos.’

Jump ahead—way ahead—to the day last year when I  found this post on our web site; it was in response to a story on extreme sports. ‘It’s this geriatric community of do-nothings,’ young Seth complained, ‘that wants to sit by and look at rock that is getting butt-hurt…It’s so sad watching you get old and bitter.’

From smart ass kid to old and bitter. Seems like only yesterday.”

To read more of Jim’s article, click the image below:


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