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(From the August/September Zephyr) ANDY LEWIS vs THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…by Jim Stiles

An excerpt:

Andy Lewis likes “to rage.” It’s how he makes his living and why he gets up in the morning. He rages without apology or condition. Raging is what “Sketchy Andy,” his nom de guerre, claims is the essence of Life itself. He is a self-taught aerobatic daredevil. He is a BASE jumper, a rock climber, he is the master of the ‘Slackline.’ The ‘Highline.’ Just last week Lewis claims to have set a new world slacklining record, traversing 554 feet on cord almost 600 feet high, between two skyscrapers in Bangkok, Thailand.

His Wikipedia page designates him a “Performer.” That characterization cuts closest to the mark. He is an extraordinary athlete, with un-earthly skills and has managed to combine that natural talent with an outrageous, belligerent, defiant, sometimes offensive personality to create a persona all his own. He has marketed that image brilliantly and successfully, and has created his own cult of personality. Sketchy Andy is adored, even worshiped, by his followers. Indeed, he is ‘followed’ by 6000 disciples on his publicly accessible facebook page. He makes a living via his sponsors, corporate and otherwise, and the venues that hire him and his high altitude stunts to draw the big crowds around the world.

To read more of Jim’s article, click the image below:


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