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(From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) Welcome to the Dimformation Age! …from the desk of Ned Mudd, reporting from the crawlspace of history

An excerpt:

We have become spectators in a theater of the absurd. Politics, religion, philosophy, materialism – all instruments of fragmentation, designed to split the world into pieces. A fragmented world needs suturing, or so we are told. For every fracture there is a ready-made poultice, even if the results are sham and fleeting.

For this surgery, they tell us that the price is right, the credit easy, the power of consensus being the implied warranty. We must only believe. And consent to relinquish who we are and accept the mantle of the New Tribe, where no one is anyone unless they are everyone.

Homogenization comes with a silent warning. To be a member of the New Tribe requires a blindness to the world-as-it-is. In return, we are afforded every fantasy. Yet, in the process, we forfeit the “awareness of wholeself.” And find ourselves adrift in the cosmos.


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