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(From the August/September Zephyr) Sowing Clover: The End of Work…by Tonya Stiles


I love to see horses out in the fields. I hardly ever see more than a handful at a time, grazing among the tall grasses, and pawing the ground. Occasionally one starts and prances toward the fence line, for reasons left unknown. But I have never seen a horse at work in those fields. I have never seen a horse engaged in industry, and I doubt that I’m the only one. The population of horses in this country, which was enormous in the 19th century, fell off by nearly half in the first 30 years of the 20th century, and then by 90% by the 1950s. Their services were rendered useless, in a span of 50 years, by technological innovation.

And that brings me to why I am thinking about the horse today. I am thinking about the horse because it was once essential, and thanks to technology, now it is only lovely. The horse is now only a reminder of a less efficient time. And soon the average worker will be the same…

To read more of Tonya’s article, click the image below:


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