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(From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) Moab: Ground Zero…NOVEMBER: IT’S ALL ABOUT ELECTIONS AND INSURANCE…by Kara Dohrenwend


November started with a bang here in Moab.  With four major events in town the weekend of November 7th, there was not a hotel room to be found in town.  It is plain that the old pattern of an “off season” starting around October 31 is no longer part of Moab’s year.

Nearly 61% of eligible voters in Moab City voted in an election on November 2nd that was purely local.  There was enough early voting that the City had to order additional ballots for election day to be sure to have enough on hand.  I’d love to see even higher turn out, but compared to national averages over the years hovering around 35% or lower, it is pretty clear that Moab’s population votes.


To read more of Kara’s article, click the image below:


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