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(From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) My Personal History, Part 10: Life & Times in Southeast Utah…by Verona Stocks


Pete tried so hard to get back to work and help me.  He had several short jobs but Dr. Allen told him he would have to be careful because he had walking pneumonia.  He tried some mining and did assessment work on the Wilson Mesa claims that he and Mr. Balsley had.  He could not help me much on the farm, mainly because he did not know how to farm.  The one thing on the farm he could do and I couldn’t was put up the hay.

Our orchard was mostly peaches.  There was some cherry trees, apples and pears.  I sure found out Pete did not know what he was talking about when he said it would not be any work for me because peaches were almost a year time job.  I pruned them in the winter, watered them all summer and fall, picked and sold them in the fall.  I forgot to mention they had to be sprayed at least twice in the spring and early summer and most years they had to be thinned.

I planted corn and alfalfa, melons and a big garden.  The melons were planted close to the creek so when the Indians came in the fall to get willows from the squaw brush to make baskets, stands and chairs they could get ripe melons out of the patch.  They were very careful not to step on the vines.


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