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(From the Zephyr Archives) Sowing Clover: Hillary Clinton in the Master’s House…by Tonya Stiles

(This article appeared in the August/September 2014 Zephyr.)

An excerpt:

It is an uncomfortable position for me, as a woman, to be opposed to the first nomination of a woman for President. It would be much more pleasant to count myself among the Pro-Hillary camp. To buy the T-shirt, attach the bumper sticker, and chortle knowingly to myself whenever Karl Rove says something inescapably stupid and sexist about my candidate.

But I just can’t step in line. I am too pained by the knowledge that, with Hillary as nominee, our first woman President likely would be no improvement on her male predecessors, and possibly would be even worse.

To read more of Tonya’s article, click the image below:


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