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(MOAB TIMES) Building report shows new construction is up in Grand County… by Molly Marcello

EXCERPT: Construction in Grand County is on the rise, according to the most recent data from the Grand County Building Department. In his annual report to the Grand County Council, building inspector Jeff Whitney said his office has issued permits for $13 million in new construction projects so far this year, outpacing the first quarter of 2016 by 200 percent.

Part of that early boon, Whitney said, can be attributed to warmer weather in early 2017, which allowed a quick start to building projects.

Whitney said he expects construction overall this year will continue to increase as it has the past several years.

In 2016, Grand County and Moab city had $64.3 million in new construction, approximately $20 million more than 2015, which closed at $43.8 million.

“I don’t see any signs of slowing,” Whitney told The Times-Independent.


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