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(Deseret News) Grazing tension erupts in criminal charges in San Juan County

EXCERPT: SALT LAKE CITY — Criminal charges were filed against an environmental activist and her husband after an alleged incident earlier this month in San Juan County involving cattle that were blocked from their water source.

The charges against Rosalie Jean Chilcoat and Mark Kevin Franklin came this week in 7th District Court after a San Juan County Sheriff’s Office investigation into incidents at Lime Ridge off state Route 163 between Bluff and Mexican Hat.

A press release by the sheriff’s office said a local cattleman found the gate to his corral closed on April 1, blocking his cattle’s ability to access water. Deputies found evidence at the scene that included footprints and surveillance from a camera.

Chilcoat has been affiliated with Great Old Broads for Wilderness since 2001 and is a founding board member of Friends of Cedar Mesa, another environmental organization



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