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Beds R Burning

In an effort to focus the world’s attention (all 2.4 seconds of it) on the evils of global warming, hopefully averting a crisis of Follywood proportions, what more down-to-earth shtick could you come up with than a remake of a pop song? Doesn’t that trick always work? Remember Band-Aid? Or was it Farm Aid? We R the World…..

But this time it’s going to be different. Major different. No lame Spinal Tap jive here. The new project will feature those icons of environmental defense – Duran Duran! I kid you not.

According to AFP News (whatever that is), “The media campaign featuring the song is aimed at putting pressure on world leaders to reach an agreement on tackling climate change at a UN-sponsored conference in Copenhagen in December.”

I’m getting my thermal undies out now – the world is saved!

posted by Mudd

Posted in Uncategorized.

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  1. Rod said

    How can we dance when our earth is turning?
    How do we sleep when our beds are burning?

    Yes, Duran Duran and The Scorpions headline this cause du jour. Ironically, they are covering a politically spiked 80’s song “Beds are Burning” which begs the question: If the beds were burning in the 80s, why hasn’t the result been of a more dire consequence for citizens living in this baron desert a quarter of a decade later?

    “Rock you like a hurricane… (but zis hurricane is not like ze hurricanes I referred to ven ve vere almost relevant in ze 1980s. Zis is a more dynamic, catastrophic hurricane because of all of ze fossil fuels consumed and electricity burned over ze last 25 years ve celebrities ver touring around ze varming globe.)”

    Has a nice ring to it, Klaus. Very catchy. Rock on.

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